About Me

zharifah amirah mohd nasir.saye org melayu,dari malaysia dan saye org islam. sayekuatmakansebabitusayechubby. sayeketawakuatsebabsayebahagia. sayesukaawakwalaupunawaktaksukasaye.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


hidup, hidup, hirup nafas udara segar hijau ,
bersih aman harmoni pagi hari,
sedar, bangun ,bangkit, lihat dunia fana,
mana suria indah bahang pagi hari ini ?
ada hanya kicau suara bisik samar  sang pencinta flora,
hilang, diam, sepi kini.
mana kuning cahaya terang hilang?
lari semua kapas kapas langit ikut putaran.
diam sejenak,
sepi menghimpit,
sayu melabuh,
tik, tik, tik.. masa berdicit meninggal pergi minit minit kian lama
biru, sejuk, kelam suram, suara kecil dada berbisik, sayu..
dalam ada hijau, harmoni segar tulus ingatan..
ada rindu, ada harapan, ada putih menanti hadapan
hiduplah kamu damai disana 
hiduplah, berbahagia ceria aman sentosa,
doaku titip selalu bersama rindu , 
disini tidak pernah tinggalkan kamu..
dari insan bergelar adik, untuk insan digelar ABANG..

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

new online store comming to you..

hi there you bloggers, check out this new online store,now there are much closer and easier shopping ways.. hey you shopaholics out there might just like this thaleya queen online boutique do search in facebook for thaleya queen. spread the rumour, spread the love <3 here some sneak peak do click the link.



Thursday, April 1, 2010

what is scoliosis all about....

Scoliosis - MayoClinic.com: "Definition
By Mayo Clinic staff

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty. While scoliosis can be caused by conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, the cause of most scoliosis is unknown.
Most cases of scoliosis are mild, but severe scoliosis can be disabling. An especially severe spinal curve can reduce the amount of space within the chest, making it difficult for the lungs to function properly.
Children who have mild scoliosis are monitored closely, usually with X-rays, to see if the curve is getting worse. In many cases, no treatment is necessary. Some children will need to wear a brace to stop the curve from worsening. Others may need surgery to straighten severe cases of scoliosis."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

ma bestest buddy....

name cik adik neyh noor nabilah bt hj. yusop dye kawan baik saye.. saye kenal dyer dari kecik ag.. huh mase tu an umur kitowg baru 7 taun..haha.. agak2 dah bape taun kitowg kenal.??
(kire la sendiri..).. ummmm.. dye lahir on 31st of january.. haha means die lagik tue dari saye..
saye tataw la bg dyer saye neyh kawan camner..
tp bg saye dyer neyh kawan terbaik saye penah adew...
susah nak cari kawan cam dyer...
salu klu saye adew masalah, adew cter, adew boyfriend, o adew papew uh kan...saye suke ngadu kat dyer..lagik2 klu isu pasal kawan...
saye rase cam dyer insan yg memahami saye sbg seorg kawan...
dyer gak seorg yg klakar and byk sense of humor..
pantang klu cakap ngan dyer sumer bende bleyh dijadikan joke..
sumtimes even tyme saye ngah mara o serius..
joke dyer akan wat saye lupe ape yg saye nk mara sgt o serius agt..
tuh la sala satu sebab i luff her..
klu dyer yg bace blog neyh nanty mesti dyer akap i luff u more.. haha..
dah bese da tuh yg taw tu..
tp klu sekali cik adik neyh mara....saye pown takowt gak..tros diam jew..
tkot saye skali kang dimarahi beliau..
walaupun begitu,, cik adik yg lebih mesra dpangill nab o bella neyh seorg yg sgt lembut haty and agak sensitip terhadap sesuatu isu...
huhhhhh.. dyer un seorang yang adew prinsip hidop.. and when she ment it serious...seriously serious laa....sumtimes dlm dyersedar o tak dyer pon byk thought me some good lessons in life.. yg jarang-jarang adew org boleyh wat and nasihat dyer un boleyh pakai.. sebab kitew neyh kalu mak bapak o orang lagik dewase nasihat.. kitew neyh ego.. tanak dgr..
tapi biler kawan2 ckp o nasihat sumer leyh terime..hahaha... sebab tuh klu nak pilih kawan biar kawan yg betul2 baik dan bagos... sebab kawan boleyh beri pengaruh yg besar dalam hidop kitew now, past o even in future..
saye bangge adew kawan macam